Be About It and Execute: The Case For Developing a Strong Multicultural Marketing Strategy

In order for a business to succeed in 2018 and beyond, they MUST market towards culturally diverse consumers.

How can you succeed with this? Start by setting aside the old model cookie-cutter approach that was taught to you in your 1-day corporate diversity training sessions! Marketing is all about understanding the consumer/your audience and creating stories that resonate with them - to the point where they look at your message and feel like you're talking directly to them, and them ALONE. How do you get to understanding your audience? It comes down to creating genuine relationships in the communities where your consumer base is located. I'm not talking about one-off situations, I'm talking about developing authentic and long-lasting relationships, where they will be willing to be your consumer advocates.

And this is a powerful thing.

Given the massive shift in demographics, multicultural consumers are driving markets with $3.2 trillion in collective buying power and comprise 38% of the US population. If you're not properly marketing to multicultural consumers - the time was yesterday. But, you can start now.

Marketers need to start relating to culturally diverse groups - speaking their language of heritage, race, and ethnicity. They need to start developing awareness and sensitivity to those situations which impact diverse audiences. How to start? Begin with your hiring process - if you're going to capitalize on the growing diversity in the US, prioritize curating a multiethnic staff. Not just in administrative support roles, but in roles where they have a voice and an opportunity to make decisions that determine the direction of the organization. Don't be that organization that reads a book or an article and assumes to know what is  best for your audience - look the part, be about it , and execute.